Parenting Star Wars Style

Ever watched Star Wars and wondered what the Stormtroopers family life might be like? Nope? Me neither but one Swedish woman has. Photographer Kristina Alexanderson has taken a series of Flickr photos depicting Star Wars Stormtroopers and Clone Troopers as parents.  Kristina’s Flickr set shows the Storm Troopers doing normal day-to-day activities with their kids.… Continue reading Parenting Star Wars Style

Being an IVF Dad

Father’s Day 2007 was not a good day. I took my dad for a beer to celebrate his special day. “Son, not everyone can have kids, you know.” It was said with tenderness and I realised he was preparing me for disappointment. My wife and I had been trying for a child for two years,… Continue reading Being an IVF Dad

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