It is father’s day soon and I have started thinking about presents. Not just for my dad but this year for the for the first time in my life, what my daughter might buy for me. Being only 11 months old she is a bit too young to go shopping on her own so I… Continue reading Fathers Day Flowers
Tag: dad blog
Baby Clothes Bouquet
Look at this lovely bouquet of flowers given to us by some friends. If you look closely you will see that the flowers are not in fact flowers but rolled up baby vests. Cool uh? Wifey particularly loved it. She normally doesn’t see the point of flowers. “Why give someone things that die within a… Continue reading Baby Clothes Bouquet
Advice for a dad-to-be: dealing with your partner
1. Though pregnancy is MUCH harder on the man than the woman, it is not considered wise to say this aloud, particularly to a woman, particularly to a pregnant woman. 2. From time to time you will be asked, “Am I still attractive” by the pregnant female. The safest thing to do is think back… Continue reading Advice for a dad-to-be: dealing with your partner